Those Crazy old SAFARI workers from the 80's got together once again - on Dec 17 2008 for some Christmas cheer!

Here they are........

Barbara & Rob


  da' Boyz!



Grace - Phil - Mary


former tugboat Captain Jeff



Rick hams it up for the camera

Nancy - Ada - Barbara



It's OK Dave - Ralph isn't doing anything bad....yet.....

Rick gives Mary a big squeeze!




Skip - we wouldn't recognize you without a drink in yer hand! Here he is with Mike & Ruth Sigal



"I never worked on SAFARI - but this sure is a fun group!"


"Look at me!! I'm over here!!"

Nancy & Don




Ada & Mary



Ralph REALLY wants a beer!

Rick is with Terry now?  What is up with this guy?!!

Guess I will mug for the camera with Barb while I'm waiting!

nice tonsils!!

Can ya tell that Rick REALLY likes his picture taken with the ladies or what?



Tugboat Capt Jeff and his Crew - Mary, Rob, Barbara,& Dave



Who's who? back row: Liz B., Jeff N., Ada D., Rob W., Terry, Ralph, Barbara, Mary, Skip, Rick L.

front row:  Marie Gomez, Nancy, Tom Healy, Kim Howard, Dave R.

(email me with your comments and I will update mine! lol )




Ralph says:  "Happy Birthday Mary - and see ya all next time!"

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Updated 01/07/2009 ~ 07:02:07
